Why do we get ear wax?
Wax is an important and natural secretion found in the ear. It keeps the ear canal lubricated and protects the ear against dust, dirt and bacteria, which helps to prevent infection. However , you may have a build up of ear wax if you notice the following:
Symptoms of earwax build-up
- Hearing lossHearing loss
- Earache or a feeling that your ears are blocked
- Ringing or buzzing in your ears (tinnitus)
- Vertigo (feeling dizzy and sick)
Rachael Gurney
Rachael Gurney
Mobile Professional Ear Irrigation Service
EarForYou main goal is to always achieve and maintain a high level of patient care with the service that we provide.
EarForYou is a professional , home based service, that provides Ear wax removal treatment in your own home.
Initial Consultation
It is essential a full history, including an ear examination, is taken prior to the procedure which will allow the opportunity to Identify any contraindications. Identifying any of the following would prevent you from having the procedure
• History of perforation of the eardrum in the last 12 months or current perforation of the eardrum
• Grommets in Situ or history of grommet insertion
• A history of any ear surgery
• A mucus discharge from the ear within the past 12 months.
• A history of a middle ear infection in the previous 6 weeks.
• Cleft palate, whether repaired or not.
• Presence of a foreign body.
Ear Wax Removal
During ear wax removal you will sit in a chair and the ear is rinsed with warm water from an electronic irrigator.
The wax and water is collected in a cup-shaped receiver which you hold under the ear. The electronic irrigators used have controlled pressures and are gentle and safe.
Ear syringing does make some noise but this is not excessive or uncomfortable. Most people who have irrigation find it to be a fairly pleasant procedure.
Additional Nursing Services
- Cleaning and dressing of wounds
- Post surgical wound care
- Prescription Injection
Are you planning to have surgery abroad or in this country?
Do you require wound care or someone to help administer injections on your return ?